Обсуждение:Китано, Такэси

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имеющий пусть и незаконченное, но в достаточной степени фундаментальное высшее техническое образование

— Это кошмарное словоблудство и демагогия. Нельзя ли более кратко и красиво? 12:36, 1 апреля 2009 (UTC)Георгий Ч.[ответить]


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Олма-Пресс в 2009 г. в серии «восток-запад» издало 4 книги Такеши:

  • «Мальчик»,
  • «Кикудзиро и Саки» (о детстве и родителях, книгу можно охарактеризовать, как «Похороните меня за плинтусом» по-японски),
  • «Парень их Асакусы» (про юность в веселом квартале),
  • «Давай, Такеши!» (на самом деле оригинальное название «Привет, Такеши-

кун!», книга о его детстве)

  • как писатель, он также доставляет 20:43, 20 июля 2011 (UTC) Wild[ответить]

Китано-сан умеет снимать что-то кроме якудз, резни и мордобоя?


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А где блистательный фильм "Кровь и кости" 2004г.?

Pre-sandbox update.

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Kitano was born in 1947 in Adachi, one of the special districts of Tokyo, becoming the fourth son (the second died in infancy) in the family where his father worked as a house painter Kikudziro Kitano, living and his wife, Saki. The name "Takeshi" was given to him by his parents in the hope that the child would be protected by the ancient Japanese symbolism of bamboo shoots (Jap.竹, «TACE"), of one who would be able to cope with any adversity of life, quickly recovering from them and continuing on his way. Being much younger than his brother, the young Kitano enjoyed a special relationship to his grandmother, who had taken over the care of mmuch of his upbringing.

Kitano attended elementary school in the same district of Adachi, where, thanks to his mother, he devoted much time and effort to his home education. He became one of the better students, showing a particularly good ability at arithmetic and subjects where he could express himself creatively (visual arts, etc.) After successfully completing the initial stages of secondary school, his mother insisted that and hoped that her son would be able to get a higher education. Kitano was then moved to a more prestigious school, which was still in part Adachi, though a considerable distance from his home. Kitano successfully completed secondary school with academic distinction.

Throughout his time in high school Kitano regularly participated in baseball related activities, and even boxing, which he later reflected in the film Kids Return,Boiling Point and his other works as a film director. Another great passion of the young Kitano was related to rakugo, which also made a significant impact on his future interests. 15:58, 2 октября 2013 (UTC)[ответить]