Обсуждение шаблона:FISA

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(Sorry for using English: ru-0 user here.)

FISA relaunched their website on 17 December 2020 and issued new identifiers with a new URL scheme as access keys into their athletes database. This means that the identifier parameters of all template transclusions need to be changed, and the template needs to be modified as well.

What is the Russian Wikipedia way of doing this? Does this need to be discussed anywhere in advance? I would be willing to make the necessary changes—I did already do the same transformation in German Wikipedia yesterday—but I clearly do not want to run into trouble. I think there is need for an update of somewhat more than 1000 pages. —MisterSynergy (обс.) 18:58, 2 января 2021 (UTC)[ответить]

Alright, I have updated the template code so that it uses identifiers from Wikidata d:Property:P8990 if there is no local identifier of the new format (string length=36) available. If a local identifier of the new format is provided, it is always being preferred over anything from Wikidata. This means that all but very few links of this template work currently. We can now decide whether and how to migrate all local old identifiers to new ones.
A few pages have lost their FISA weblink, as the database lost around 9000 profiles during the migration (from 51.000 earlier to 41.722 currently). Most of the lost profiles had only sparse information and no race results in them, so the problem is actually minor.
There are now two reports to watch:
In both cases, local identifiers of the new format need to be provided locally, as the template is otherwise not able to produce working links. In other words: both reports should be always empty.
What's left to do is a migration of hardcoded links to the old FISA database, see here. I am going to have a look at them tomorrow, and will try to migrate as many as possible to the new format as well. —MisterSynergy (обс.) 01:36, 4 января 2021 (UTC)[ответить]
Final update:
  • The hardcoded links to the old FISA database have been migrated, apart from five ones which source particular information which the new FISA database does not contain: list.
  • The reports mentioned above are both empty (yay!)
  • I am slowly updating local identifiers to the new UUID format within the next days, so that no old identifiers remain in ruwiki.
MisterSynergy (обс.) 00:26, 5 января 2021 (UTC)[ответить]
One more backlink report: Служебная:Ссылки сюда/Шаблон:FISA/local identifier with old formatMisterSynergy (обс.) 19:40, 6 января 2021 (UTC)[ответить]