Проект:Адмиралтейство/Страницы разрешения неоднозначностей:Суда/9

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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USS Howard has been the name of than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

  • USS Howard (DD-179) (en:USS Howard (DD-179)), a destroyer in commission from 1920 to 1922 and, as destroyer-minesweeper USS Howard (DMS-7), from 1940 to 1945
  • USS Howard (DDG-83) USS Howard (DDG-83) — 33-й эскадренный миноносец из серии запланированных к 13 сентября 2002 г. 62 эсминцев УРО типа «Арли Бёрк», строительство которых было одобрено Конгрессом США и 3-й эсминец этого типа серии IIa c АУ. Mark 45. Mod. 4/62. (en:USS Howard (DDG-83), a guided-missile destroyer in commission since 2001)
See also



[[de:USS Howard]]
[[en:USS Howard]]
[[sl:USS Howard]]

Several ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Howe, after Admiral Richard Howe:



[[en:HMS Howe]]
[[es:HMS Howe]]
[[fi:HMS Howe]]
[[it:HMS Howe]]
[[pl:HMS Howe]]
[[sl:HMS Howe]]

ROCS Hsien Yang (DD-16) may refer to one of the following Gleaves-class destroyers of the Republic of China Navy:

  • USS Rodman (DD-456) Эскадренный миноносец «Родман» (англ. USS Rodman (DD-456)) — американский эсминец типа Gleaves. (en:ROCS Hsien Yang (DD-16) (ex-Rodman), the former USS Rodman (DD-456) launched in September 1941; acquired by the Republic of China Navy in 1955; ran aground, c. 1969; repairs were too expensive, so name and pennant number were transferred to the former USS Macomb (DD-458) after that ship's 1970 purchase;<ref name=Janes /> scuttled in 1976 for a film)
  • USS Macomb (DD-458) Эскадренный миноносец «Мэкомб» (англ. USS Macomb (DD-458)) — американский эсминец типа Gleaves. (en:ROCS Hsien Yang (DD-16) (ex-Macomb), the former USS Macomb (DD-458) launched in September 1941; transferred to Japan in 1954 as JDS Hatakaze; returned to U.S. custody in 1969 and sold to Taiwan in 1970 for spare parts; after repairs for Hsien Yang (DD-16) (the former USS Rodman) were deemed too expensive, the name and pennant number were transferred to this ship; stricken in 1975<ref name=Janes>{{cite Jane's|310|1973 ships}}


{{DEFAULTSORT:Hsien Yang (DD-16)}}

[[en:ROCS Hsien Yang (DD-16)]]

USS Hudson may refer to:



[[en:USS Hudson]]
[[pl:USS Hudson]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Hull, in honor of Commodore Isaac Hull.

See also



[[de:USS Hull]]
[[en:USS Hull]]
[[sl:USS Hull]]

Brazilian submarine Humaitá or Humaytá may refer to one of the following submarines of the Brazilian Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Humaita, Brazilian Submarine}}

[[en:Brazilian submarine Humaitá]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Humber, after the Humber, an estuary in eastern England, whilst another was planned:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Humber, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Humber]]

USS Humming Bird, sometimes known as USS Hummingbird, may refer to:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Humming Bird}}

[[en:USS Humming Bird]]
[[pl:USS Humming Bird]]

USS Hunt may refer to:

  • USS Hunt (DD-194) (en:USS Hunt (DD-194)), a Clemson-class destroyer, commissioned in 1919 and decommissioned in 1922. She served in the United States Coast Guard from 1930 to 1934. She was recommissioned in 1940, transferred to the Royal Navy as HMS Broadway, served in World War II and scrapped in 1945



[[en:USS Hunt]]
[[pl:USS Hunt]]
[[sl:USS Hunt]]

Eighteen ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Hunter:

See Also
Battle Honours
  • Battle of the Gabbard (en:Gabbard 1653)
  • Battle of Scheveningen (en:Scheveningen 1653)
  • Сражение при Барфлёр Сражение при Барфлёр — сражение во время Войны Аугсбургской лиги между французским флотом Турвиля и численно превосходящим объединенным англо-голландским флотом под общим командованием Эдварда Рассела. (en:Barfleur 1692)
  • Битва в заливе Виго Битва в заливе Виго — морское сражение 23 октября 1702 в заливе Виго между англо-голландскими войсками и французским и испанским флотом, произошедшее во время войны за испанское наследство. (en:Vigo 1702)
  • Сражение при Малаге Сражение при Малаге — (англ. Battle of Málaga) — крупнейшее морское сражение в ходе Войны за испанское наследство, произошло 24 августа 1704 год возле испанского города Велес-Малага. (en:Velez Malaga 1704)
  • Siege of Louisbourg (1758) (en:Louisbourg 1758)
  • Битва при Квебеке (1759) Битва при Квебеке (битва на полях Авраама) — одно из решающих сражений Франко-индейской войны, произошедшее 13 сентября 1759 г. (en:Quebec 1759)
  • Битва за Атлантику (1939—1945) Битва за Атлантику (Вторая битва за Атлантику, в отличие от кампании в рамках Первой мировой войны) — военная кампания Второй мировой войны, борьба союзников по Антигитлеровской коалиции с фашистской Германией и Италией за коммуникации и господство в Атлантическом океане и прилегающих к нему морях. (en:Atlantic 1939-44)
  • Битва при Нарвике Битва при Нарвике — серия сражений между немецкими армией и флотом с одной стороны и коалиционными силами Англии, Франции, Норвегии и Польши с другой. (en:Narvik 1940)
  • Высадка в Италии Высадка в Италии — серия операций войск антигитлеровской коалиции в сентябре 1943 года на Апеннинском полуострове. (en:Salerno 1943)
  • Южно-французская операция Южно-Французская операция, известная также как «операция Драгун», фр. Anvil Dragoon — вторжение войск антигитлеровской коалиции в южную Францию, состоявшееся 15 августа 1944 года. (en:South France 1944)
  • Aegean 1944
  • Бирманская кампания Бирманская кампания — боевые действия (с января 1942 по июль 1945 года) в ходе Второй мировой войны на территории Бирмы, между британскими войсками (в том числе индийскими и бирманскими частями, а также китайскими войсками и американскими наёмниками) и японскими войсками (включая бирманские и индийские части). (en:Burma 1945<ref>http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/his/ol-lo/vol-tom-2/par1/hunter-eng.asp</ref>)


{{DEFAULTSORT:Hunter, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Hunter]]
[[fi:HMS Hunter]]
[[sl:HMS Hunter]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Huntington, after the city of Huntington, West Virginia.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Huntington, USS}}

[[de:USS Huntington]]
[[en:USS Huntington]]
[[sl:USS Huntington]]

USS Huntress may refer to:



[[en:USS Huntress]]

USS Huntsville may refer to:



[[en:USS Huntsville]]

Two ships and one shore establishment of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) have been named HMAS Huon, for the Huon River in Tasmania.

Battle honours

Ships named HMAS Huon are entitled to carry a single battle honour:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}




{{DEFAULTSORT:Huon, Hmas}}

[[en:HMAS Huon]]
[[sl:HMAS Huon]]

USS Huron may refer to:

  • USS Huron (ID-1408) (en:USS Huron (ID-1408)), was the former SS Friedrich der Große seized by the United States in 1917 and renamed Huron. She served as a troop transport in World War I and was decommissioned 2 September 1919.



[[de:USS Huron]]
[[en:USS Huron]]
[[sl:USS Huron]]

Several Canadian naval units have been named HMCS Huron.

Battle Honours

  • Битва за Атлантику (1939—1945) Битва за Атлантику (Вторая битва за Атлантику, в отличие от кампании в рамках Первой мировой войны) — военная кампания Второй мировой войны, борьба союзников по Антигитлеровской коалиции с фашистской Германией и Италией за коммуникации и господство в Атлантическом океане и прилегающих к нему морях. (en:Atlantic, 1943)
  • Arctic, 1943-1945
  • Biscay, 1943-1944
  • Norway, 1945
  • Корейская война Корейская война — конфликт между Северной Кореей и Южной Кореей, длившийся с 25 июня 1950 по 27 июля 1953 года (хотя официального окончания войны объявлено не было). (en:Korea, 1952-1953)


Directorate of History and Heritage - HMCS Huron


{{DEFAULTSORT:Huron, Hmcs}}

[[en:HMCS Huron]]
[[sl:HMCS Huron]]

USS Hurst may refer to:

  • USS Hurst (SP-3196), a motor boat, was built by W. F. Dunn, of Norfolk, Virginia, in 1918 and was acquired by the Navy. Hurst was assigned as a passenger and dispatch boat under the 5th Naval District and served the District Supervisor, NOTS, at Hampton Roads until being turned over to the Public Health Service, Department of the Treasury, 15 November 1919



[[en:USS Hurst]]
[[pl:USS Hurst]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Hurworth




{{DEFAULTSORT:Hurworth, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Hurworth]]
[[fi:HMS Hurworth]]

Ten ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Hussar, after the hussar.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Hussar, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Hussar]]
[[sl:HMS Hussar]]

USS Hyacinth may refer to:



[[en:USS Hyacinth]]

en:HMS Hyacinth

Several ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Hyacinth after the hyacinth flower:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Hyacinth, Hms}}

[[el:Αποστόλης ΙΙ (Κορβέτα)]]
[[en:HMS Hyacinth]]
[[sl:HMS Hyacinth]]
[[Гиацинт (корвет)]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Hyaena, after the Hyena, a family of carnivorous mammals. Two others were planned but either commissioned under another name or cancelled.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Hyaena, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Hyaena]]

USS Hydra may refer to:



[[en:USS Hydra]]
[[pl:USS Hydra]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Hydra, after the Lernaean Hydra of Greek mythology:

Battle honours
  • Syria 1840
  • Сражение у Доггер-банки (1915) Балтийское море (en:Dogger Bank 1915)
  • Ютландское сражение Балтийское море (en:Jutland 1916)
  • North Sea 1943
  • Арктические конвои Арктические конвои Второй мировой войны проходили из Великобритании и США в северные порты СССР — Архангельск и Мурманск. (en:Arctic 1943-44)
  • Операция «Нептун» Высадка в Нормандии или Операция «Нептун» (6 июня 1944) — также известная как День Д, высадка морского десанта союзных (английских, американских и канадских) войск в оккупированной Германией Нормандии в ходе Второй мировой войны, часть Нормандской операции. (en:Normandy 1944)
  • Фолклендская война Фолклендская война 1982 (англ. Falklands War, исп. Guerra de las Malvinas) — война между Великобританией и Аргентиной за контроль над Фолклендскими островами (в Аргентине их называют Мальвинскими). (en:South Atlantic 1982)


{{DEFAULTSORT:Hydra, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Hydra]]

USS Hydrographer may refer to:

  • USS Hydrographer (1901) (en:USS Hydrographer (1901)), was a wooden steam launch built in 1901 and came under US Navy jurisdiction in 1917. She continued her surveying duties in the Gulf of Mexico and was returned to the Coast and Geodetic Survey 1 April 1919 (not exists)



[[en:USS Hydrographer]]

USC&GS Hydrographer was the name of two United States Coast and Geodetic Survey ships, and may refer to:

{{shipindex|Hydropgrapher, USC&GS}}

[[en:USC&GS Hydrographer]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Hyperion, after Hyperion, one of the Titans of Greek mythology. A third was planned but never completed:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Hyperion, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Hyperion]]

Japanese submarine I-52 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:I-52, Japanese Submarine}}

[[en:Japanese submarine I-52]]

Japanese submarine I-55 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:I-55, Japanese submarine}}

[[en:Japanese submarine I-55]]

SS Iberville may refer to one of three Type C2-S-E1 ships built by Gulf Shipbuilding for the United States Maritime Commission:


[[en:SS Iberville]]

USS Ibex may refer to:



[[en:USS Ibex]]

USS Ibis may refer to:



[[en:USS Ibis]]

Japanese cruiser Ibuki may refer to one of the following ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy named after Mount Ibuki:



[[en:Japanese cruiser Ibuki]]

Four ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Icarus, after the Icarus of Greek mythology.



[[en:HMS Icarus]]
[[fi:HMS Icarus]]
[[sl:HMS Icarus]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Idaho in honor of the 43rd state.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Idaho, Uss}}

[[en:USS Idaho]]
[[pl:USS Idaho]]
[[sl:USS Idaho]]

Three ships of the French Navy have born the name Iéna in honour of the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt:



[[en:French ship Iéna]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Illinois in honor of the 21st state.

  • USS Illinois (1864), was a screw sloop-of-war laid down in 1864, but was never completed and broken up for scrap in 1872

The replica battleship Illinois was a full-scale mockup of an Indiana-class battleship, created as an exhibit for the 1893 Columbian Exposition, at Chicago, Illinois.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Illinois, Uss}}

[[de:USS Illinois]]
[[en:USS Illinois]]
[[es:USS Illinois]]
[[hu:USS Illinois (egyértelműsítő lap)]]
[[pl:USS Illinois]]

There have been five ships in the Royal Navy to bear the name HMS Illustrious. The ship's motto is "Vox Non Incerta" which translates as "No Uncertain Voice".

  • The first HMS Illustrious (1789) (en:HMS Illustrious (1789)) was a 74-gun Third-rate, and launched at Buckler's Hard in 1789. She had two engagements against the French Navy. The first was off the southern French city of Toulon in 1793 during the British action to capture the city. The second was at Genoa where she suffered severe damage and won a Battle Honour. While returning home in tow for repairs she ran aground due to an extremely violent storm. Shortly afterwards she was set ablaze and abandoned.
  • HMS Illustrious (1939) HMS Illustrious (ЕВК «Илластриус», от англ. illustrious - прославленный) — авианосец КВМФ Великобритании, головной корабль своего типа. (The fourth en:HMS Illustrious (R87) was an Illustrious class aircraft carrier commissioned in 1940. In the same year she became the first carrier to strike against an enemy fleet, and was in service until 1954.)
Battle honours

Genoa 1795, Basque Roads 1809, Taranto 1940, Mediterranean 1940–1941, Malta Convoys 1941, Diego Suarez 1942, Salerno 1943, Sabang 1944, Palembang 1945, Okinawa 1945


Royal Navy History


{{DEFAULTSORT:Illustrious, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Illustrious]]
[[en:HMS Illustrious]]
[[es:HMS Illustrious]]
[[fi:HMS Illustrious]]
[[it:HMS Illustrious]]
[[pl:HMS Illustrious]]
[[sv:HMS Illustrious]]

HMS Immortalité has been the name of more than one ship of the British Royal Navy, and may refer to:

See also

{{shipindex|Immortalité, HMS}}

[[en:HMS Immortalité]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have been called HMS Imogen or HMS Imogene. A seventh was planned but never built:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Imogen, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Imogen]]
[[fi:HMS Imogen]]

USS Impeccable is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:





[[en:USS Impeccable]]

A number of ships of the French Navy have borne the name Impérial:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Imperial, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Impérial]]

Six ships and a training establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Imperieuse.



[[en:HMS Imperieuse]]
[[sl:HMS Imperieuse]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Implacable:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Implacable, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Implacable]]
[[en:HMS Implacable]]
[[fi:HMS Implacable]]
[[fr:HMS Implacable]]
[[sl:HMS Implacable]]

USS Implicit may refer to:



[[en:USS Implicit]]
[[pl:USS Implicit]]

Two ships and two establishments of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Impregnable:

Training establishment


{{DEFAULTSORT:Impregnable, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Impregnable]]

USS Inca is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Inca]]

Inconstant is the name of several merchant and naval ships including:



Six ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Inconstant, whilst another was planned:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Inconstant, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Inconstant]]
[[fi:HMS Inconstant]]
[[sl:HMS Inconstant]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Indefatigable:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Indefatigable, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Indefatigable]]
[[en:HMS Indefatigable]]
[[es:HMS Indefatigable]]
[[fi:HMS Indefatigable]]
[[hu:HMS Indefatigable (egyértelműsítő lap)]]
[[it:HMS Indefatigable]]
[[sl:HMS Indefatigable]]
[[sv:HMS Indefatigable]]

Seven United States Navy ships have been named Independence. This name refers to the desire to be free of domination by others.

  • USS Independence (1776 brig) was a brigantine built at Kingston, Massachusetts in mid-1776. The brig served in the Massachusetts State Navy and cruised off New England until captured by the Royal Navy in early 1777.
  • USS Independence (1958) Индепенденс — (англ. USS Independence (CV-62)) — «Независимость» — американский авианосец, четвёртый и последний построенный в типе «Форрестол». (en:USS Independence (CVA-62), was an aircraft carrier commissioned in 1959 and decommissioned in 1998)
  • USS Independence (LCS-2) USS Independence (LCS-2) («Индепенденс», от англ. independence — «независимость») — корабль класса «боевой корабль прибрежной зоны», находящийся в составе ВМС США. (en:USS Independence (LCS-2) is a Littoral Combat Ship. The Navy took delivery of the new Indy on December 21, 2009.)


{{DEFAULTSORT:Independence, Uss}}

[[de:USS Independence]]
[[en:USS Independence]]
[[es:USS Independence]]
[[nl:USS Independence]]
[[no:USS «Independence»]]
[[pl:USS Independence]]
[[sl:USS Independence]]

Two ships of the Armada of the Argentine Republic have been name Independencia in honour of the nation's Declaration of Independence from Spain:



[[en:ARA Independencia]]

Two ships have borne the name SS Indiana. They are:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Indiana, Ss}}

[[en:SS Indiana]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Indiana in honor of the 19th state.

{{DEFAULTSORT:Indiana, Uss}}

[[en:USS Indiana]]
[[es:USS Indiana]]
[[pl:USS Indiana]]
[[sl:USS Indiana]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Indianapolis:

  • USS Indianapolis (CA-35) «Индианаполис» (англ. USS Indianapolis (CA-35), заложен 31 марта 1930 г — затоплен 30 июля 1945 г) — американский тяжелый крейсер класса Портланд. (en:USS Indianapolis (CA-35) was a heavy cruiser commissioned in 1932, active throughout World War II and sunk by torpedoes in July 1945,)

{{DEFAULTSORT:Indianapolis, Uss}}

[[en:USS Indianapolis]]
[[fr:USS Indianapolis]]
[[pl:USS Indianapolis]]
[[sl:USS Indianapolis]]
[[sv:USS Indianapolis]]

Two warships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Indomitable:

In early drafts of Herman Melville's novel Billy Budd, HMS Bellipotent was to have been named Indomitable.



[[en:HMS Indomitable]]
[[fi:HMS Indomitable]]
[[pl:HMS Indomitable]]
[[sl:HMS Indomitable]]

{{French Navy}}
Five ships of the French Navy have been named Indomptable:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Indomptable, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Indomptable]]

Five ships and two establishments of the Royal Navy, and one ship of the Royal Indian Navy have borne the name HMS Indus, after the Indus River in India:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Indus, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Indus]]

A number of steamships have been named Indus, including:-


[[en:SS Indus]]
[[hif:S.S. Indus]]

Five ships of the Royal Navy have been called HMS Inflexible.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Inflexible, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Inflexible]]
[[en:HMS Inflexible]]
[[fi:HMS Inflexible]]
[[pl:HMS Inflexible]]
[[sl:HMS Inflexible]]

USS Inflict may refer to:



[[en:USS Inflict]]
[[pl:USS Inflict]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Ingersoll, honoring members of the Ingersoll family. DD-652 was named for Rear Admiral Royal R. Ingersoll (1847–1931) — and for his grandson, Lieutenant Royal R. Ingersoll, II (1913–1942) who had died in the Battle of Midway, just weeks before the ship's christening. DD-990 was named for RADM Ingersoll's son, Admiral Royal E. Ingersoll (1897–1975).

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Ingersoll, Uss}}

[[en:USS Ingersoll]]
[[ja:インガソル (駆逐艦)]]
[[pl:USS Ingersoll]]
[[sl:USS Ingersoll]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Ingraham, named in honor of Captain Duncan Ingraham


{{DEFAULTSORT:Ingraham, Uss}}

[[de:USS Ingraham]]
[[en:USS Ingraham]]
[[sl:USS Ingraham]]

There have been three ships with variations of the name "Ingram":


[[en:USS Ingram]]

This page concerns the ships named Innisfallen. You might be seeking:

There have been five ships named Innisfallen.
They served on the Irish Sea route between Cork and Fishguard.
The first two were war casualties. The third was broken up. The final two (which have been renamed) are still in service, albeit in warmer waters.

Innisfallen (1) - 1896

The first Innisfallen was built in 1896.
She was torpedoed and sunk, without warning, by a German U-boat U-64 on 23 May 1918, 16 miles east of the Kish Light Vessel. She was on her way from Liverpool to Cork. 10 died.
She had been owned by City of Cork Steam Packet Company. An earlier ship named Innisfallen was built at Blyth, Northumberland in about 1863. It sank with the loss of eight lives in the vicinity of the Goodwin Sands in a storm at the end of November 1897, on a voyage from South Shields to Cowes. It was carrying a cargo of gascoal.

Innisfallen (2) - 1930

[[:en:File:MVInnisfallen.jpg|thumb||right|Innisfallen sunk by a mine in River Mersey, 21 December 1940, shown here as passengers escape on lifeboats.
Oil by Kenneth King, Maritime Institute of Ireland]] The City of Cork Steam Packet Company built the second Innisfallen in 1930.
City of Cork Steam Packet Company, was taken over by the Coast Lines group.
They set up their CorkFishguard operation as “B & I Lines” (British and Irish Lines)
She sailed the DublinLiverpool route Leaving Liverpool on 21 December 1940, she hit a mine off the Wirral shore near New Brighton.
All the passengers survived. But four crewmen were lost:

  • W. Doyle, Dublin.
  • Daniel Geary, 39 Temple Acre, Gurranabraher, Cork, Able Seaman, aged 49.
  • James Porter, 15 Upper Oriel Street, Dublin, Able Seaman, aged 49.
  • Joseph Rickard, 70 Saint Peters Terrace, Howth, Seaman, aged 55.
Innisfallen (3) - 1948

The third Innisfallen was launched in 1948 by B&I
The B&I had an advertising slogan: "Travel the Innisfallen Way"
She was sold in 1967, to Hellenic Maritime Lines and renamed Poseidonia.
She was broken up at Brindisi in 1985. In 1967 the Irish Government bought B&I Lines from the Coast Lines group.

Innisfallen (4) - 1969

The fourth Innisfallen was launched in 1969.
She sailed the Cork-Swansea route, while her sister ship, the Leinster sailed Dublin-Liverpool
In 1983 all sailings from Cork were closed, as there were not enough passengers
The Innisfallen was sold to Corsica Ferries who renamed her Corsica Viva. There were several more changes to her name.
In 2003 she was sold to Sancak Lines, Turkey, who renamed her Derin Deniz, see [1] She was broken up in 2004.

Innisfallen (5) - 1969

The B&I Line then renamed the Leinster, which was also launched in 1969 as the fifth Innisfallen. The new 'Innisfallen', being a deeper draught than the previous ship now sailed Cork-Pembroke Dock
In 1986 she was sold to Strintzis Lines and was renamed Ionian Sun.
In 2000 Strintzis Lines renamed themselves as Blue Ferries
In 2001 she was sold to Marco Shipping Agency, Dubai and renamed Merdif. She still sails, see [2]



Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Intrepid:

Battle honours

The ships named HMS Intrepid have amassed a sizeable number of battle honours.

  • Сражение при Минорке Сражение при Минорке — (англ. Battle of Minorca) — битва произошедшая 20 мая 1756 года и окончившаяся поражением британцев от испано-французских войск. (en:Minorca 1756)
  • Aix 1956 (en:Aix 1956) (not exists)
  • Battle of Lagos (en:Lagos 1759)
  • Сражение в бухте Киберон Сражение в бухте Киберон (англ. Battle of Quiberon Bay, фр. Bataille des Cardinaux) — морское сражение Семилетней войны между флотами Великобритании и Франции, состоявшееся в бухте Киберон, на побережье Франции в Бискайском заливе 20 ноября 1759 года. (en:Quiberon 1759)
  • Гавана Гавана (исп. La Habana [aβana], полностью San Cristóbal de La Habana) — столица Республики Куба, политический, экономический и культурный центр страны, административный центр провинции Гавана. (en:Havana 1762)
  • Battle of Martinique (1780) (en:Martinique 1780)
  • Battle of the Chesapeake (en:Chesapeake 1781)
  • Сражение у острова Сент-Китс Сражение у острова Сент-Китс (англ. Battle of St Kitts), произошло 24 — 26 января 1782 года во время североамериканской войны между французской эскадрой адмирала де Грасса и английской — адмирала Худа. (en:St Kitts 1782)
  • Осада Тулона Осада Тулона — эпизод революционных войн Франции, с которого началась карьера Наполеона Бонапарта. (en:Toulon 1793)
  • History of Martinique (en:Martinique 1809)
  • Zeebrugge Raid (en:Zeebrugge 1918)
  • Битва за Атлантику (1939—1945) Битва за Атлантику (Вторая битва за Атлантику, в отличие от кампании в рамках Первой мировой войны) — военная кампания Второй мировой войны, борьба союзников по Антигитлеровской коалиции с фашистской Германией и Италией за коммуникации и господство в Атлантическом океане и прилегающих к нему морях. (en:Atlantic 1939-1941)
  • Битва за Дюнкерк Битва за Дюнкерк — сражение Второй мировой войны между войсками союзников и Германии, произошедшее 26 мая — 4 июня 1940 года во время Французской кампании вермахта. (en:Dunkirk 1940)
  • Norwegian Campaign (en:Norway 1940)
  • Бисмарк (линейный корабль) «Бисмарк» — линейный корабль германского военного флота, один из самых известных кораблей Второй мировой войны. (en:Bismarck Action 1941)
  • Арктические конвои Арктические конвои Второй мировой войны проходили из Великобритании и США в северные порты СССР — Архангельск и Мурманск. (en:Arctic 1941-1943)
  • Мальтийские конвои Мальтийские конвои — серия конвоев Союзников со снабжением для блокированного острова Мальта, предпринятая в ходе Второй мировой войны. (en:Malta Convoys 1942)
  • Сицилийская операция Сицилийская операция или операция «Хаски» — одна из главных военных операций Второй мировой войны, во время которой войска союзников выбили войска стран Оси (Италии и Германии) из Сицилии и захватили остров. (en:Sicily 1943)
  • Салерно Салерно (итал. Salerno) — город и порт на Тирренском море, в Южной Италии, административный центр провинции Салерно. (en:Salerno 1943)
  • Додеканесская операция Додеканесская операция — борьба Союзников и Германии за обладание Додеканесскими островами во время Второй мировой войны. (en:Aegean 1943)
  • Фолклендская война Фолклендская война 1982 (англ. Falklands War, исп. Guerra de las Malvinas) — война между Великобританией и Аргентиной за контроль над Фолклендскими островами (в Аргентине их называют Мальвинскими). (en:Falkland Islands 1982)

{{DEFAULTSORT:Intrepid, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Intrepid]]
[[en:HMS Intrepid]]
[[fi:HMS Intrepid]]
[[sl:HMS Intrepid]]

USS Intrepid may refer to:

  • USS Intrepid (CV-11) USS Intrepid (CV-11) (русск. Неустрашимый) — американский авианосец типа «Эссекс» времён Второй мировой войны. (en:USS Intrepid (CV-11), was an aircraft carrier launched 26 April 1943 and decommissioned 15 March 1974. Intrepid opened as a museum in New York City during August 1982 and is designated as a National Historic Landmark )
Star Trek
See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Intrepid, Uss}}

[[de:USS Intrepid]]
[[en:USS Intrepid]]
[[es:USS Intrepid]]
[[fi:USS Intrepid]]
[[it:USS Intrepid]]
[[nl:USS Intrepid]]
[[pl:USS Intrepid]]
[[sl:USS Intrepid]]

Nine ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Investigator. Another was planned, but renamed before being launched:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Investigator, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Investigator]]
[[en:HMS Investigator]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Invincible.

Battle honours

1. St Vincent, 1780 (2nd)
2. St Kitts, 1782 (2nd)
3. Glorious First of June, 1794 (2nd)
4. Alexandria, 1882 (4th)
5. Heligoland, 1914 (5th)
6. Falkland Islands, 1914 (5th)
7. Jutland, 1916 (5th)
8. Falkland Islands, 1982 (6th)




{{DEFAULTSORT:Invincible, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Invincible]]
[[en:HMS Invincible]]
[[es:HMS Invincible]]
[[fi:HMS Invincible]]
[[fr:HMS Invincible]]
[[it:HMS Invincible]]
[[no:HMS «Invincible»]]
[[pl:HMS Invincible]]
[[sl:HMS Invincible]]
[[sv:HMS Invincible]]

Two ships have borne the name Iona for the US Navy, both tugboats:



[[en:USS Iona]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Iowa in honor of Iowa, the 29th state.

See also



[[cs:USS Iowa]]
[[de:USS Iowa]]
[[en:USS Iowa]]
[[es:USS Iowa]]
[[fi:USS Iowa]]
[[it:USS Iowa]]
[[pl:USS Iowa]]
[[sk:USS Iowa]]
[[sl:USS Iowa]]
[[sv:USS Iowa]]

{{other uses2|Iphigenia}}

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Iphigenia, after Iphigenia, a figure in Greek mythology:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Iphigenia, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Iphigenia]]

Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) have been named HMAS Ipswich, for the city of Ipswich, Queensland.

Battle honours

Ships named HMAS Ipswich are entitled to carry five battle honours:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}

  • South West Pacific theatre of World War II (en:Pacific) 1942
  • Indian Ocean in World War II (en:Indian Ocean) 1942-45
  • Сицилийская операция Сицилийская операция или операция «Хаски» — одна из главных военных операций Второй мировой войны, во время которой войска союзников выбили войска стран Оси (Италии и Германии) из Сицилии и захватили остров. (en:Sicily 1943)
  • East Indies 1944
  • Битва за Окинаву Битва за Окинаву, также известная как Операция Айсберг — операция по захвату японского острова Окинава войсками США при поддержке американского и британского флотов. (en:Okinawa 1945)



{{DEFAULTSORT:Ipswich, Hmas}}

[[en:HMAS Ipswich]]
[[sl:HMAS Ipswich]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Iris after the Greek mythological figure Iris. An eighth was planned but renamed before entering service:

Battle honours

The ships of this name have several battle honours:


[[en:HMS Iris]]

Five ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Iris for Iris, who in Greek mythology is the goddess of the rainbow



[[en:USS Iris]]
[[pl:USS Iris]]

Irish Pine was the name of three ships operated by Irish Shipping Ltd


[[en:Irish Pine]]

Three ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Iron Duke after the Duke of Wellington, nicknamed the "Iron Duke". The name is also a pun, as the first ship so named was an ironclad.

See also:



[[de:HMS Iron Duke]]
[[en:HMS Iron Duke]]
[[es:HMS Iron Duke]]
[[fi:HMS Iron Duke]]
[[pl:HMS Iron Duke]]
[[sl:HMS Iron Duke]]
[[sv:HMS Iron Duke]]

USS Iroquois may refer to:



[[en:USS Iroquois]]

{{disamb4|HMCS Iroquois|one of two Canadian naval vessels}}

{{Shipindex|name=Iroquois, HMCS}}

{{DEFAULTSORT:Iroquois, Hmcs}}

[[en:HMCS Iroquois]]
[[sl:HMCS Iroquois]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Irresistible. A fifth was planned but later renamed:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Irresistible, Hms}}

[[ar:إتش إم إس إريزيستابل (توضيح)]]
[[de:HMS Irresistible]]
[[en:HMS Irresistible]]
[[sl:HMS Irresistible]]

Isabel Erica was the name of two ships operated by Moller & Co, Hong Kong.


[[en:Isabel Erica]]

Two ships of United States Navy were named USS Isherwood in honor of Rear Admiral Benjamin F. Isherwood.

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Isherwood, Uss}}

[[en:USS Isherwood]]
[[pl:USS Isherwood]]
[[sl:USS Isherwood]]

Six ships of the British Royal Navy, and four tenders of the RNVR, have been named HMS Isis, after the Egyptian goddess Isis.



[[en:HMS Isis]]
[[fi:HMS Isis]]
[[sl:HMS Isis]]

Island Princess may refer to any of the following ships:


[[en:Island Princess (disambiguation)]]

Italia was the name of two Italian battleships, and may refer to:


[[en:Italian battleship Italia]]

USCGC Itasca may refer to one of the following United States Coast Guard Cutters:

{{Short pages monitor}}


[[en:USCGC Itasca]]

HMS Itchen may refer to one of the following British Royal Navy ships named after the English river:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Itchen, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Itchen]]

Two ships of the British Royal Navy have been called HMS Ithuriel after an angel in John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Ithurial, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Ithuriel]]
[[fi:HMS Ithuriel]]

Three ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Ivy named after the plant.




[[en:HMS Ivy]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Iwo Jima, in memory of the Battle of Iwo Jima.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Iwo Jima, Uss}}

[[de:USS Iwo Jima]]
[[en:USS Iwo Jima]]
[[es:USS Iwo Jima]]
[[sl:USS Iwo Jima]]

USS Jacamar may refer to:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jacamar, Uss}}

[[en:USS Jacamar]]
[[pl:USS Jacamar]]

USS Jack has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

{{Shipindex|Jack, USS}}


[[en:USS Jack]]
[[pl:USS Jack]]
[[sl:USS Jack]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Jackal, after the predatory mammal, the jackal:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jackal, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Jackal]]
[[en:HMS Jackal]]
[[fi:HMS Jackal]]

USS Jackdaw may refer to:

  • USS Jackdaw (AM-368), was an Admirable-class minesweeper canceled 6 June 1944
  • USS Jackdaw (AM-402), was an Admirable-class minesweeper canceled 12 August 1945



[[en:USS Jackdaw]]
[[pl:USS Jackdaw]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Jacob Jones, in honor of Jacob Jones:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jacob Jones, Uss}}

[[en:USS Jacob Jones]]
[[pl:USS Jacob Jones]]
[[sl:USS Jacob Jones]]

Two ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Jaguar, after the feline jaguar.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jaguar, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Jaguar]]
[[en:HMS Jaguar]]
[[fi:HMS Jaguar]]
[[sl:HMS Jaguar]]

Six vessels of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Jamaica, after the island colony of Jamaica:



[[de:HMS Jamaica]]
[[en:HMS Jamaica]]
[[fi:HMS Jamaica]]
[[it:HMS Jamaica]]

USS James M. Gilliss may refer to one of the following United States Navy ships:


{{DEFAULTSORT:James M. Gilliss}}

[[en:USS James M. Gilliss]]
[[pl:USS James M. Gilliss]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named USS James Madison, after James Madison the fourth President of the United States:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:James Madison, Uss}}

[[en:USS James Madison]]
[[pl:USS James Madison]]
[[sl:USS James Madison]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS James:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:James, Hms}}

[[en:HMS James]]

USS Jamestown may refer to any one of a number of United States Navy vessels.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jamestown, Uss}}

[[en:USS Jamestown]]
[[pl:USS Jamestown]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Janus, after Janus, the two-faced God of Roman mythology:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Janus, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Janus]]
[[en:HMS Janus]]
[[fi:HMS Janus]]

{{Other uses|Kashima (disambiguation){{!}}
Kashima}} Kashima is the name used by three Japanese ships:


[[en:Japanese ship Kashima]]

Three ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Jarvis for James C. Jarvis.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jarvis, Uss}}

[[en:USS Jarvis]]
[[es:USS Jarvis]]
[[pl:USS Jarvis]]
[[sl:USS Jarvis]]

Twelve ships of the Royal Navy have been called HMS Jason, after the Greek mythological character Jason:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Jason, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Jason]]
[[sl:HMS Boxer]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Jason, after Jason of Greek mythology:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jason, Uss}}

[[en:USS Jason]]
[[pl:USS Jason]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Jasper, after the mineral Jasper:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jasper, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Jasper]]
[[fi:HMS Jasper]]

Two ships of the French Navy have born the name Jauréguiberry, in honour of Bernard Jauréguiberry:

Sources and references


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jaureguiberry, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Jauréguiberry]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Java, named after the island of Java.

  • The first HMS Java (1806) (en:Java) was a 32 gun 5th rate, originally the Dutch Maria Reijersbergen built at Amsterdam in 1800, and captured from the Dutch on 18 October 1806. The ship was lost, presumed foundered with the loss of all hands, off Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean in March of the following year. (not exists)
  • The second HMS Java (1811) (en:Java) was a 38 gun 5th rate, originally the French Renommée built in 1805 to 1809 at Nantes, and captured from the French on 20 May 1811 off Madagascar. On 29 December 1812 the ship was captured in turn by the American vessel USS Constitution off San Salvador, and burnt the following day.
  • The third HMS Java (1815) (en:Java) was a 52 gun 4th rate built at Plymouth Dockyard in 1815. Unlike its namesakes, this vessel had a long Royal Navy career, being broken up in November 1862 at Portsmouth. (not exists)



[[en:HMS Java]]
[[sl:HMS Java]]

USS Java may refer to:

  • USS Java (1815) (en:USS Java (1815)), a 44-gun frigate in service from 1815 until 1842
  • Java, the name assigned to a screw sloop-of-war begun by the New York Navy Yard in 1863 but never completed; hulk was broken up in 1884



[[en:USS Java]]

Brazilian monitor Javary may refer to one of several monitors of the Brazilian Navy:


[[en:Brazilian monitor Javary]]

Jean Bart may refer to one of the following ships of the French Navy named in honour of Jean Bart:



[[de:Jean Bart (Schiff)]]
[[en:French ship Jean Bart]]

SS Jean Lafitte may refer to one of two Type C2-S-E1 ships built by Gulf Shipbuilding for the United States Maritime Commission:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Jean Lafitte}}

[[en:SS Jean Lafitte]]

{{French Navy}}
A number of ships of the French Navy have bourne the name Jeanne d’Arc, in honour of Joan of Arc. Among them

Since 1912, it is a tradition of the French Navy that the main school ship for officers be named Jeanne d’Arc.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jeanne D’arc, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Jeanne d'Arc]]
[[fr:Jeanne d'Arc (navire)]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Jeannette:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jeannette, Uss}}

[[en:USS Jeannette]]
[[pl:USS Jeannette]]

USS Jefferson may refer to:

See also



[[en:USS Jefferson]]

Two ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Jenkins for Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jenkins, Uss}}

[[en:USS Jenkins]]
[[ja:ジェンキンス (駆逐艦)]]
[[pl:USS Jenkins]]
[[sl:USS Jenkins]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Jersey after the island of Jersey, part of the Channel Islands; including


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jersey, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Jersey]]
[[en:HMS Jersey]]
[[fi:HMS Jersey]]

Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy have been named HMAS Jervis Bay, for Jervis Bay on the south coast of New South Wales.

Battle honours

One battle honour has been awarded to ships named HMAS Jervis Bay:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}

See also
  • HMS Jervis Bay (F40) «Джервис-Бэй» (HMS Jervis Bay) — британский океанский лайнер, с началом Второй мировой войны переоборудованный во вспомогательный крейсер. 5 ноября 1940 при сопровождении атлантического конвоя HX-84 принял неравный бой с германским тяжелым крейсером «Адмирал Шеер» и был потоплен. (en:HMS Jervis Bay (F40), a British Armed Merchant Cruiser operated during World War II)



{{DEFAULTSORT:Jervis Bay, Hmas}}

[[de:HMAS Jervis Bay]]
[[en:HMAS Jervis Bay]]
[[sl:HMAS Jervis Bay]]

USS John A. Bole may refer to:


{{DEFAULTSORT:John A. Bole}}

[[en:USS John A. Bole]]
[[pl:USS John A. Bole]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS John Adams, in honor of John Adams, the second president of the United States:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:John Adams, Uss}}

[[en:USS John Adams]]
[[pl:USS John Adams]]
[[sl:USS John Adams]]

Two merchant ships have been named SS John B. Cowle.



{{DEFAULTSORT:John B. Cowle}}

[[en:SS John B. Cowle (disambiguation)]]

RRS John Biscoe may refer to:

{{Short pages monitor}}

{{DEFAULTSORT:John Biscoe}}

[[en:RRS John Biscoe]]

USS John Hancock may refer to:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:John Hancock}}

[[en:USS John Hancock]]
[[pl:USS John Hancock]]

USS John Paul Jones refers to two destroyers of the United States Navy:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:John Paul Jones}}

[[de:USS John Paul Jones]]
[[en:USS John Paul Jones]]
[[sl:USS John Paul Jones]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been USS John Rodgers for John Rodgers, his son, John Rodgers and his great grandson, John Rodgers.

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:John Rodgers, Uss}}

[[en:USS John Rodgers]]
[[pl:USS John Rodgers]]
[[sl:USS John Rodgers]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named USS John S. McCain, in honor of John S. McCain, Sr. and John S. McCain, Jr.:

  • USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) — эсминец УРО типа «Арли Бёрк». Построен на верфи Bath Iron Works, приписан к морской станции Йокосука, Япония. (en:USS John S. McCain (DDG-56), is an Arleigh-Burke-class guided-missile destroyer commissioned in 1994 and currently on active service )


{{DEFAULTSORT:John S. Mccain, Uss}}

[[de:USS John S. McCain]]
[[en:USS John S. McCain]]
[[ko:USS 존 S. 매케인]]
[[sl:USS John S. McCain]]

USS Johnson may refer to various United States Navy ships:


[[en:USS Johnson]]

Two ships have been named USS Johnston in the United States Navy in honor of John Vincent Johnston.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Johnston, Uss}}

[[en:USS Johnston]]
[[ko:USS 존스턴]]
[[pl:USS Johnston]]
[[sl:USS Johnston]]

USS Jones may refer to:



[[en:USS Jones]]
[[pl:USS Jones]]

USS Joseph Hewes may refer to:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Joseph Hewes}}

[[en:USS Joseph Hewes]]
[[pl:USS Joseph Hewes]]

USS Josephine has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Josephine, Uss}}

[[en:USS Josephine]]

Three ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Jouett for James Edward Jouett.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jouett, Uss}}

[[de:USS Jouett]]
[[en:USS Jouett]]
[[sl:USS Jouett]]

{{French Navy}}
Two ships of the French Navy have borne the name Jules Verne in honour of science-fiction writer Jules Verne:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jules Verne}}

[[en:French ship Jules Verne]]

USS Julia may refer to:



[[en:USS Julia]]
[[pl:USS Julia]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Jumna, after another name for the Yamuna river in India. A ship of the Royal Indian Navy has been named HMIS Jumna:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jumna, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Jumna]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Juneau, after the city of Juneau, Alaska.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Juneau, Uss}}

[[de:USS Juneau]]
[[en:USS Juneau]]
[[sl:USS Juneau]]

USS Juniata' may refer to:



[[en:USS Juniata]]
[[pl:USS Juniata]]

Various merchant ships have had the name Juno, including:



[[en:MV Juno]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Juno after the Roman goddess Juno:

See also



[[de:HMS Juno]]
[[en:HMS Juno]]
[[fi:HMS Juno]]
[[sl:HMS Juno]]

Ten ships of the French Navy have borne the name Junon, in honour of Juno:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Junon, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Junon]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Junon, a French form of the goddess Juno, of Roman mythology:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Junon, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Junon]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Jupiter':



[[en:USS Jupiter]]
[[es:USS Jupiter]]
[[pl:USS Jupiter]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Jupiter, after the Roman god Jupiter.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jupiter, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Jupiter]]
[[en:HMS Jupiter]]
[[fi:HMS Jupiter]]
[[sl:HMS Jupiter]]

USS Justice may refer to one of several United States Navy ships:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Justice, Uss}}

[[en:USS Justice]]
[[pl:USS Justice]]

USS Justin may refer to:



[[en:USS Justin]]
[[pl:USS Justin]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Justitia, after the goddess Justitia, of Roman mythology:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Justitia, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Justitia]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Jutland, after the Battle of Jutland:

  • HMS Jutland was a to have been a Battle class destroyer. She was launched on 2 November 1945 at Hawthorn Leslie, but was never completed. The hull was used for trials in 1947 and arrived at Rosyth for breaking up in 1957.
  • HMS Jutland (D62) (en:HMS Jutland) was another Battle-class destroyer. She was originally named HMS Malplaquet, but was renamed in 1945 before being launched in 1946. She was broken up in 1965


{{DEFAULTSORT:Jutland, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Jutland]]

Soviet submarine K-129 may refer to one or both of the following submarines of the Soviet Navy:


[[en:Soviet submarine K-129]]

Soviet submarine K-3 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Soviet Navy:


[[en:Soviet submarine K-3]]

Soviet submarine K-56 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Soviet Navy:


[[en:Soviet submarine K-56]]
[[zh:K-56 (苏联潜艇)]]

HMNZS Kahu has been the name of

{{Shipindex|name=Kahu, HMNZS}}

[[en:HMNZS Kahu]]

SMS Kaiser has been the name of two ships of the German Imperial Navy:

Additionally, a number of Imperial Navy vessels were given names of specific kaisers:

Two ships have been named Kaiserin:



[[en:SMS Kaiser]]

SS Kaiser Wilhelm II may refer to:

See also

{{DEFAULTSORT:Kaiser Wilhelm Ii, Ss}}

[[en:SS Kaiser Wilhelm II (disambiguation)]]

USS Kalamazoo may refer to:



[[en:USS Kalamazoo]]
[[pl:USS Kalamazoo]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Kale:



[[en:HMS Kale]]

USS Kalk may refer to:



[[en:USS Kalk]]

USS Kalmia may refer to:



[[en:USS Kalmia]]

Six ships of the United States Navy have been naamed USS Kanawha and one has been named USS Kanawha II:



[[en:USS Kanawha]]
[[pl:USS Kanawha]]

Two ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Kane for Elisha Kent Kane:



[[en:USS Kane]]
[[pl:USS Kane]]

USS Kangaroo has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:



[[en:USS Kangaroo]]

Six ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Kangaroo, after the kangaroo.

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Kangaroo, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Kangaroo]]
[[ms:HMS Kangaroo]]
[[sl:HMS Kangaroo]]

Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy have been named HMAS Kanimbla, for the Kanimbla Valley in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales:

Battle honours

Ships named HMAS Kanimbla are entitled to carry seven battle honours:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}




{{DEFAULTSORT:Kanimbla, Hmas}}

[[en:HMAS Kanimbla]]
[[fr:HMAS Kanimbla]]
[[sl:HMAS Kanimbla]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Kansas in honor of the state of Kansas:



[[en:USS Kansas]]
[[es:USS Kansas]]
[[pl:USS Kansas]]

One incomplete and one commissioned vessel of the United States Navy have been named USS Kansas City, after Kansas City, Missouri.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Kansas City}}

[[de:USS Kansas City]]
[[en:USS Kansas City]]

Three steam ships have been named Karanja:


[[en:SS Karanja]]

Three ships of the Royal Netherlands Navy have been named Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman after Admiral Karel Doorman:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Karel Doorman, Hnlms}}

[[en:HNLMS Karel Doorman]]
[[ja:カレル・ドールマン (曖昧さ回避)]]
[[nl:Hr. Ms. Karel Doorman]]

HMS Kashmir, has been the name of a number of ships of the Royal Navy, from Kashmir a former part of the British Empire.

  • Kashmir — a troopship, formerly a P & O liner. Collided on 6 October 1918 with HMS Otranto (which sank off the west coast of Islay).


{{DEFAULTSORT:Kashmir, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Kashmir]]
[[fi:HMS Kashmir]]

Two vessels of the United States Navy have been named USS Katahdin, after Mount Katahdin.



[[en:USS Katahdin]]
[[pl:USS Katahdin]]

en:Russian submarine Kazan

Russian submarine Kazan may refer to one of the following submarines of the Russian Navy:


[[en:Russian submarine Kazan]]
[[Казань (подводная лодка)]]

Five ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Kearsarge. The first was named for Mount Kearsarge and the later ones were named in honor of the first.

  • USS Hornet (CV-12) USS Hornet (CV/CVA/CVS-12) (русск. шершень) — американский авианосец класса «Эссекс», действующий в составе Военно-морских сил США в период Второй мировой войны. (en:USS Kearsarge (CV-12), was an Essex-class aircraft carrier renamed Hornet prior to launch)
  • USS Kearsarge (CV-33) USS Kearsarge (CV-33) — американский авианосец типа «Эссекс» (en:USS Kearsarge (CV-33), was a long-hulled Essex-class aircraft carrier, launched 5 May 1945, served in the Korean War and Vietnam War then scrapped in 1974)



[[de:USS Kearsarge]]
[[en:USS Kearsarge]]
[[fr:USS Kearsarge]]
[[it:USS Kearsarge]]
[[nl:USS Kearsarge]]
[[pl:USS Kearsarge]]
[[sv:USS Kearsarge]]

USS Keith may refer to:



[[en:USS Keith]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Kempenfelt, after rear-admiral Richard Kempenfelt:



[[en:HMS Kempenfelt]]
[[es:HMS Kempenfelt]]
[[fi:HMS Kempenfelt]]

USS Kenmore may refer to:



[[en:USS Kenmore]]
[[pl:USS Kenmore]]

USS Kennebec may refer to:



[[en:USS Kennebec]]
[[pl:USS Kennebec]]

USS Kennedy may refer to:



[[en:USS Kennedy]]
[[es:USS Kennedy]]
[[pl:USS Kennedy]]

USS Kenneth D. Bailey has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Kenneth D. Bailey}}

[[en:USS Kenneth D. Bailey]]

USS Kenosha may refer to:



[[en:USS Kenosha]]

USS Kensington may refer to:



[[en:USS Kensington]]
[[pl:USS Kensington]]

Eleven ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Kent, after the county of Kent and the Duke of Kent.

Battle honours
See also



[[de:HMS Kent]]
[[en:HMS Kent]]
[[fi:HMS Kent]]
[[sl:HMS Kent]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Kentish, a variation on the English county of Kent:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Kentish, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Kentish]]

Kenton may refer to:


In England:

In South Africa:

In the United States:

In Canada:



[[en:Kenton (disambiguation)]]

Three ships of the United States Navy (and one of the Confederate States Navy) have been named for the 15th state.

  • The Mississippi Flotilla captured Confederate transport CSS Kentucky at Memphis 6 June 1862. The US Navy Register for 1863 listed her as assigned to the Mississippi Squadron but no other record of her service in the Union Navy has been found.
See also



[[de:USS Kentucky]]
[[en:USS Kentucky]]
[[es:USS Kentucky]]
[[hu:USS Kentucky (egyértelműsítő lap)]]
[[pl:USS Kentucky]]
[[sl:USS Kentucky]]

There have been 8 Naval ships named for Kentucky or cities in Kentucky:


[[en:List of naval ships named for Kentucky]]

USS Kenwood may refer to:



[[en:USS Kenwood]]

USS Keokuk may refer to:



[[en:USS Keokuk]]
[[pl:USS Keokuk]]

USS Keosanqua may refer to:



[[en:USS Keosanqua]]

HMS Keppel can refer to ships of the Royal Navy named after Admiral Augustus Keppel

{{DEFAULTSORT:Keppel, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Keppel]]
[[fi:HMS Keppel]]

USS Keppler has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:



[[en:USS Keppler]]

The following ships of the Indian Navy have been named INS Kesari:



[[en:INS Kesari]]

USS Kestrel may refer to:



[[en:USS Kestrel]]
[[pl:USS Kestrel]]

Four ships and a shore establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Kestrel, after the bird of prey, the kestrel:


Shore establishment


{{DEFAULTSORT:Kestrel, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Kestrel]]

{{For|alternate spelling of this name|USS Keywadin}}

USS Kewaydin may refer to:

  • Kewaydin, a screw steamer, was laid down at Boston Navy Yard in 1864. but her hull was never completed. Renamed Pennsylvania 15 May 1869, she was broken up in 1884



[[en:USS Kewaydin]]
[[pl:USS Kewaydin]]

USS Key West has been the name of three ships in the United States Navy.



[[de:USS Key West]]
[[en:USS Key West]]

USS Keystone State may refer to:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Keystone State}}

[[en:USS Keystone State]]

{{For|alternate spelling of this name|USS Kewaydin}}

USS Keywadin may refer to:



[[en:USS Keywadin]]
[[pl:USS Keywadin]]

The following ships of the Indian Navy have been named INS Khukri:



[[en:INS Khukri]]
[[fr:Torpillage du Khukri]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Kickapoo:



[[en:USS Kickapoo]]
[[pl:USS Kickapoo]]

en:USS Kidd

USS Kidd may refer to:

  • USS Kidd (DD-661) (en:USS Kidd (DD-661)), a Fletcher class destroyer, serving from 1943 to 1964
  • USS Kidd (DDG-993) USS Kidd (DDG-993) — первый эскадренный миноносец типа «Кидд». (en:USS Kidd (DDG-993), the first ship of the Kidd class of destroyers, serving from 1981 to 1998)
  • USS Kidd (DDG-100) USS Kidd (DDG-100) — 50-й эскадренный миноносец из серии запланированных к 13 сентября 2002 г. 62 эсминцев УРО типа «Арли Бёрк», строительство которых было одобрено Конгрессом США. (en:USS Kidd (DDG-100), an Arleigh Burke class destroyer commissioned in 2007 and currently in service)



[[USS Kidd]]
[[de:USS Kidd]]
[[en:USS Kidd]]
[[pl:USS Kidd]]
[[sl:USS Kidd]]

One ship class and one aircraft carrier have been named Kiev after the third largest city of the Soviet Union and the capital city of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

  • Авианесущие крейсера проекта 1143 Проект 1143 «Кречет» — проект авианесущих противолодочных крейсеров, который создавался как продолжение серии кораблей проекта 1123 «Кондор». (en:Kiev-class aircraft carrier, a conventionally-powered class of four heavy aircraft carrying cruisers that have served in the Soviet, Russian, and Indian navies.)
  • Киев (авианосец) Киев — тяжёлый авианесущий крейсер Северного флота Военно-Морского Флота СССР (ВМФ СССР). (en:Soviet aircraft carrier Kiev, lead ship of her class of heavy aircraft carrying cruisers; launched in 1972, commissioned into the Soviet Navy in 1975, decommissioned in 1993, and part of a Chinese military theme park since 2004.)


{{DEFAULTSORT:Kiev, Soviet Aircraft Carrier}}

[[en:Soviet aircraft carrier Kiev (disambiguation)]]